I refuse to wax my body! (photo inside)
Dear Subscriber & Friend,
Are you a swimmer?
No — I don’t mean a swimmer like in a pool or the beach… I mean a “swimmer” in all your business and marketing activities. If you aren’t, you should be.
And if you have no idea what I’m talking about, then you’ll understand what I mean as soon as I explain it.
What do competitive swimmers do? How do they approach every race? Answer: they try to find every possible competitive advantage that will allow them to get to the finish line as quickly as possible, right?
So, they shave their bodies…
They shave their heads or have very short hair…
They wear swim caps…
They trim down their body fat before competitions….
So They Can Become As Aerodynamic As Possible
Their thinking is, if they can shave off (pardon the pun) a 100th of a second here and a 100th of a second there, by taking these aerodynamic-enhancing steps, it will help them achieve better results. Cumulatively, these measures give them a real, tangible advantage. Heck, even a 100th of a second can mean the difference between winning and losing (remember Michael Phelps in the Olympics?)
This is what I call the “Swimmer’s Mindset.” And this is the kind of thing I’ve been teaching attorneys since I started doing seminars in the early 2000′s: You have to look at everything you do… every aspect of your practice with the mindset that it’s absolutely imperative to achieve MAXIMUM PERFORMANCE. Look at everything you do and ask, how can I improve it, enhance it or revamp it? An improvement of as little as 1 or 2% all the way around will have a huge aggregate effect. In many cases, you will be able to achieve an improvement of much greater than 1 or 2%.
Don’t you think you can squeeze out an extra 1 or 2% (at least) improvement in everything you do?
Of course you can!
A Bionic Face Only a Mother Can Love
So, for example, we use actual, live stamps in my company. No metered mail for us. (I’ll explain why in another newsletter). But I wasn’t satisfied with simple, plain old stamps — the kind everyone else uses. I figured there had to be a way to improve our stamp usage somehow (that was the “Swimmer’s Mindset” kicking in). I was simply trying to maximize performance.
And you know what? I was right. I could further my marketing and branding objectives by creating custom stamps like the ones you see below:
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